The Sacraments are a wonderful gift to us from God inviting us into deeper intimacy with Him. So that children can gain the full benefit of the experience, the preparation is vitally important. Unlike Baptism and Confirmation, Reconciliation is a sacrament that can be received as often as one wants, and it strengthens us with grace each time it is received. Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Kensington (OLR) provides Catholic Religious Education for children who do not attend OLR Primary School, in preparation for the Sacraments throughout the year. The Sacrament of First Reconciliation is being offered for Baptised Catholic children who are in year two or above. They will be guided and supported through their preparation by our catechists and priest. Enrolments are now open.
Details for 2024 are as follows:
Parent Information Session
4 September, 6.30pm inside OLR Church
Enrolment Closing Date
23 August, 2024
$25 inclusive of learning materials and medal. Payment is due prior to the commencement of classes and can be made by accessing this link: www.bpoint.com.au/pay/kensingtonparish.
Please click on the Biller Code - "General Donations" drop down box then type in "First Reconciliation" for the purpose of payment.
Please download the enrolment form by clicking on this link or contact Amanda at the Parish Office on Tuesdays or Thursdays 9.00am-3.00pm on 9663 1070 or by email: olrkensosacraments@gmail.com to have a form emailed to you. You will need to supply a copy of your child's baptism certificate with this completed form. As the baptism certificate will be needed for your child’s First Holy Communion in Year 3 and Confirmation in Year 6, we recommend you keep a photographic record of it as well as a paper record for future use. We will contact you to confirm your enrolment has been approved. Once approved you will be required to make the $25 payment.
Commitment Mass
OLR Church, 9.30am, 20 October 2024
For all enrolled candidates and their families during which candidates will be presented to Fr Peter and the congregation.
Preparation Sessions
Saturdays 4.00-6.30pm
31 August
7 & 21 September
26 October
9 & 23 November
The program used for these preparation sessions is based on the Gratia Series which is an official text approved by the Sydney Catholic Archdiocese. Sessions commence in the Rosary Room under OLR Church. The entrance faces the school playground. Sessions conclude after the Vigil Mass inside OLR Church. Please arrive 5 minutes early at 3.55pm for the sessions.
First Reconciliation Ceremony
November, 2024 TBC
Attendance Requirements
Candidates are expected to make the preparation sessions a priority and are required to attend all the sessions and Commitment Mass with one parent. Exceptions are contagious diseases and special family events, in which cases you will need to contact the coordinator ahead of time so that alternative arrangements can be made to catch up. Mass attendance by the entire family is encouraged. As part of the preparation the candidates are also expected to attend the Saturday Vigil Mass with the catechist. Attendance at weekly Sunday Mass is a teaching of the Catholic Church.
Dress Code
Children are not required to buy special outfits for the Sacrament, however they are required to dress appropriately. A general guide is how they would dress to attend a special occasion. Boys should wear long trousers and a shirt with a collar, no jeans, cargo pants or joggers. Girls should wear a dress, knee length or longer, and no midriffs or bare shoulders.
Please contact Sarina the coordinator for more information by email at olrkensoevangelise@gmail.com.