Jubilee Hall - Planned Works Have Been Completed
We did it! The planned hall renovation works have been completed, notwithstanding a lockdown that made things a little trickier. A big thank you to the Jubilee Hall Building Committee which included Alicja Bartorowicz, Karim Candaten, Stephen Chiew and Lily Murcutt. The renovated hall is now a much brighter, contemporary space which will hopefully serve the community well into the future.
Here are some before and after photos.
Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, we had to postpone the Community Fundraising Dinner. With restrictions being eased, we’ve been busy securing an alternative date and would like to update you all that Saturday 26th February will be the revised date for the dinner, which will still be held at Sky Phoenix CBD.
We understand that some guests may not be able to attend the dinner for various reasons and we are happy to provide a refund for the ticket (less booking charges). Please email olrkensoparishfundraising@gmail.com to let us know that you cannot come and to request a refund.
Finally, we would like to invite all our parishioners to an “Open Hall” Morning Tea to view the completed Hall works and also to reconnect with each other. The morning tea is planned to be held on Sunday 5th December after the 9.30am Family Mass. We will provide updates closer to the date as well to ensure that we are abiding by the NSW Govt Health rules. Once again, thank you to everyone for your support for the Jubilee Hall Renovation works.